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Injured By A Dangerous Drug?

Getting help is easy! We are here to help you get the compensation for your dangerous drug injury.

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Your Winston-Salem Drug Injury Lawyers

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the manufacture and distribution of hundreds of new pharmaceutical drugs every year. The companies that produce these drugs often rush the FDA’s approval process, which can lead to dangerous drugs on pharmacy shelves if adequate clinical testing has not be conducted.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that more than 40,000 people are killed each year by pharmaceutical drugs, regardless of the FDA’s regulations.

Lewis & Keller believes that the victims of defective drugs deserve to have their rights defended in court and our dangerous drugs lawyers are prepared to fight for you. If you or someone you love was injured by a dangerous or defective drug, you may be eligible for compensation because of the injury, pain and suffering you endured.

To see how we can help, fill out the FREE CASE evaluation form to the left side of this page today or call us at 336-765-7777.

Can a Lawyer Help me?

When a doctor prescribes a drug their patient has a reasonable right to assume it will be safe and effective. In most cases, the drugs are safe and can help save lives, but sadly this is not always the case. A lawyer can help the victims of defective drugs recover compensation for their injuries, lost wages, medical expenses and pain and suffering.

Consulting with a lawyer about your dangerous drug claim can help you determine whether your claim is valid and what the best course of legal action may be for you and your family.

See What Our Clients Say

Dangerous Drug Brands

Numerous drugs have had serious health consequences for the patients that were prescribed them. Side effects can range from mild to severe and may in some instances even cause death.

Some of the most common brands of dangerous drugs include:

Many defective medications continue to be sold and prescribed but carry a warning from the FDA known as a “black box” warning. A black box warning is the FDA’s most stringent warning and is issued to those drugs that carry serious health risks for patients.

Many drugs are recalled by the FDA if research suggests they have indisputable long-term health consequences, but even drugs that are not recalled can be harmful to consumers. It is important to note any suspicious side effects of prescription drugs and contact your healthcare provider immediately to discuss the risks and alternate treatment options.

Our Results Speak For themselves



Motorcycle accident resulting in paralysis.



Auto accident resulting in post traumatic stress disorder.



Workplace accident resulting in a traumatic brain injury.

our Winston-Salem drug injury attorneys

Contacting our Dangerous Drug Lawyers

The legal team at Lewis & Keller is prepared to fight for the victims of dangerous drugs. If you or a loved one has suffered from the use of a dangerous or defective drug, you may wish to file a claim. We will always fight for the maximum amount of compensation available to our clients.

For free legal advice today, fill out the free case evaluation form above, or call us at 336-765-7777.

*Our firm has extensive experience in handling a large variety of legal issues and cases. However, it is likely we will associate another attorney more experienced in this particular practice area to assist us in handling your claim, all at no additional cost to you and with your full knowledge and consent.