Nobody wants to get hurt on the job, but when accidents happen, you need to be able to recover whatever damages you can. In many cases, you will be covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, though not all injuries are necessarily protected through workers’ comp. The best way to learn if your injury can be covered through workers’ compensation is by consulting with a professional workers’ compensation lawyer in Winston-Salem.
The legal team at Lewis & Keller has many years of experience handling injured workers and their claims, and we know exactly what injuries are covered through workers’ compensation. If any of the below information applies to you, we may be able to help.
What is a Work-Related Injury?
Workers’ compensation is put in place to help cover workers injured on the job “in the course of employment.” For example, if you are injured while making a service call, you can be covered, while traveling to work in the morning is not.
This simple definition has been expanded in recent years to include quite a number of activities. Individuals playing for a company team, for instance, might be able to claim workers’ comp if injured, though work-related illnesses are perhaps the biggest addition to the rule. That being said, even if the definition of workers’ comp today is broader than ever before, the court system does set a few limits. Usually these tend to be common sense affairs, but you should always check with a workers’ compensation lawyer in Winston-Salem if your claim is denied.
Common Workplace-Related Injuries
There are many different kinds of work-related injuries, but below are highlighted a few of the most common. If you have suffered from any of the following, you might have a potential workers’ comp claim:
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Repetitive motion can wear away at joints and body parts over time, leading to injuries. The primary areas affected tend to be the arms (including hands and forearms). Carpal tunnel syndrome is a particularly nasty repetitive motion injury. Luckily, if detected early enough, these kinds of injuries can normally be cured.
Stress-Related Injuries
Stress is a legitimate problem in most workplaces, and over time, stress can lead to emotional illnesses in addition to other physical ailments such as digestive issues. Stress-related injuries can be difficult to prove in court, especially if you are not being represented by an attorney.
Occupational Illnesses
When a worker gets sick and is made worse by his or her job, that is an occupational illness and it can turn lethal very quickly. Catching occupational illnesses early is very important.
These are just a few examples of the types of impairments that often qualify for workman’s comp benefits. However, every case is different and has its own unique set of circumstances that impact how the claim is handled. Consulting a legal professional is always wise because they will help you understand your rights and what approach to take.
Speak to a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Winston-Salem
North Carolina workers who have been injured on the job or suspect they’ve incurred a work-related injury should contact a representative at Lewis & Keller. You are not alone, so do not let your injury discourage you. Get a free case evaluation with a workers’ compensation lawyer in Winston-Salem to learn how we might be able to help you. Call 336-728-6284 or fill out our online form to get started.