If you’re like many people, then you dread the possibility of being involved in a serious auto accident. While a car wreck can happen virtually any time you get behind the wheel, they are a particular threat during inclement weather like rain, ice, and snow. Fortunately, just because the weather is bad doesn’t mean that an accident is guaranteed, especially if you stick to a few of the most effective safe driving tips. Take these tips for driving in adverse weather conditions to heart and you should be able to prevent a serious accident and major injuries.
Keeping Your Car in Working Order
When you want to stay safe while driving through bad weather, one of the most important things that you can do is make sure that your car is working the way that it should. If your equipment is in tip-top shape, you will be able to better avoid the causes of most automobile accidents.
Firstly, you need to make sure that your windshield is always clear and your wipers are working correctly so that you can see any obstacles in your path. Secondly, you should always be certain that your headlights and taillights shine brightly and consistently. This will help keep your vehicle visible to other drivers during intense storms or heavy fog. Thirdly, and finally, your braking system needs to be examined frequently so that you are sure it can effectively slow and stop your car.
Driving in Adverse Weather Conditions
While there are many risks that come with adverse weather conditions, the biggest threat is your vehicle losing traction and spinning out of control. Spinouts can occur in virtually every bad weather scenario, including regular rain storms. However, if you operate your vehicle the right way, you should be able to stay in control, even if the road is covered in snow and ice.
Excessive speed is one of the biggest causes of car accidents, particularly in slippery conditions. When you encounter bad weather on the road, you should slow your vehicle so that you’re ready to adjust to any obstacles that may appear in your path. You also need to be very cautious when steering and braking your vehicle. If the road is slick and you brake or turn too quickly, your wheels may slip and you may spin out of control. Make turns and brake your vehicle gradually, and you should be able to maintain the proper level of traction.
If your vehicle starts to slip and slide, you should let it come to a stop on its own by taking your foot off the gas pedal instead of applying the brakes.
Consider Filing a Lawsuit After a Wreck
Bad weather can greatly increase your chances of a wreck, and if your accident was the fault of another driver, then you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit. To get advice about your ability to file suit, you should meet with the legal team at Lewis & Keller.
The professionals at Lewis & Keller are committed to helping injury victims in North Carolina receive justice, and we can help you with your injury suit. Contact us today for more information about our services.