Workers’ compensation insurance is a vital, no-fault protection for workers in almost every job in the nation. It’s in place to make sure that when you’re hurt on the job, no matter the reason for the injury and no matter the cause, you can get your injuries paid for and remain able to make ends meet while you recover and get back on your feet. Unfortunately, sometimes mistakes in filing the initial report lead to unfortunate denials of the work injury claim. Being careful can help to avoid these denials and get the compensation you deserve. Learn what to do when you need to make a work-related accident report, how to follow up after filing, and when you should call a workers’ compensation lawyer in Winston-Salem.
Filing a Work-Related Accident Report
The moment you are injured in the course of employment, whether it’s a work-related accident or a long-term injury like carpal tunnel syndrome, you should report the incident or injury to your supervisor. This is the first step in filing your report.
You have up to 2 years to file a workers’ compensation claim, but you must report your injury to your employer as soon as possible after the accident occurs. In general, you have up to 30 days to make this report, but the sooner you make it, the better off you’re going to be, as waiting can give the insurer cause to doubt your claim. At this point, your employer should give you a formal accident report to complete. If they don’t, you can get one from the state workers’ compensation board.
What Should My Report Say?
When you fill out your report you’ll want to give all of the major “W’s” of the injury—who, what, where, and when. Describe the incident in detail, where it happened and what injuries you suffered, but don’t embellish. Stick to the facts. Establish when the incident occurred, who else was involved or may have witnessed the incident, and detail any treatments or medical attention you have had to address the injury.
When you turn this report into your supervisor, it’s up to them to file it and take the next steps in your claim.
Tracking Your Injury
While you wait for your approval, it’s important to keep detailed records of everything that happens. This means any records and receipts of your doctor’s office visits, medication, physical rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation (if any), and out-of-pocket expenses. Keep track of how the injury has affected your life and your ability to work. The more detail you can keep regarding your injury, the better off you’ll be if you have to back it up later.
Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Winston-Salem
Any time you’re in a work-related accident in Winston-Salem, it’s helpful to seek advice and counsel from a workers’ comp attorney. Your case might go over without a hitch, which is great! But many people face denial the first time, and need the advice and help of a workers’ compensation lawyer in Winston-Salem to challenge that denial and get covered for their work-related injuries.
At Lewis & Keller, we’ve got decades of experience helping people get the full workers’ compensation benefits to which they’re entitled under the law, and we can help you, too. Just give us a call or fill out our easy case evaluation form below and get started today!