When you’re out and about in Greensboro, it’s possible that you may suffer an injury. If this injury occurred on city property or was caused by a city employee, you might be wondering if you can bring a lawsuit against the city. Although rare, it is possible to file a personal injury claim against a city. However, these cases can be extremely difficult, which means you need to be very careful when planning your case. Learn about your options for filing a personal injury claim against a city and discover the benefits of hiring a Greensboro personal injury lawyer.
Alerting the City
The rules for filing a lawsuit against your city can differ depending on the state in which you live. However, most states require that you file a notice of claim with the city before you file your lawsuit. A notice of claim is a legal document that is used to alert a city of your intention to file a lawsuit. You will usually be required to file your notice within a certain time period to be eligible to pursue a personal injury claim.
Your notice of claim must have thorough information about your accident. First, you need to include your name and contact information. Second, you need to describe the time and date of the accident, as well as the location. Third, you need to detail how the accident took place and what injuries you suffered. Finally, the claim must include how much you are seeking in damages.
Building Your Case
A successful lawsuit against a city hinges on your ability to prove four different issues. The first issue is that your city was obligated to ensure your safety, and the second is that they failed to uphold this obligation. If you can prove these two matters, the third thing that you will need to demonstrate is that the city’s failure to fulfill this obligation resulted in your injury. Finally, you must have proof that your injury actually occurred.
To support your claim, it’s important to gather a variety of evidence, including statements from witnesses, photographs or videos, police reports and medical records. Your Greensboro personal injury lawyer should be able to help you gather this evidence.
Prior to filing your lawsuit, it’s important to understand that there are very limited circumstances where a city is liable for your injuries. For example, if you fell on a city sidewalk, the city is only liable if the fall occurred in front of a city building. In addition, if your injury was caused by a city employee, such as a law enforcement officer, the city is only liable if the officer was on-duty at the time of your accident.
Consult a Greensboro Personal Injury Lawyer
If you believe that you have grounds to file a lawsuit against your city, it’s important that you have your claim reviewed by an experienced Greensboro personal injury lawyer from Lewis & Keller.
Our entire legal team has the knowledge and experience necessary to assist you with your injury claim. We can help you build a case against the city after you’ve suffered a serious accident. Discuss your case with Lewis & Keller today.