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Get the Most Out of Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

We broke down everything you need to know about filing for workers’ compensation in North Carolina in our FREE Ebook.

When you’ve suffered a serious injury from a workplace accident, you deserve compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and more. But, what happens when your company’s insurance provider doesn’t want to pay you? You can find answers to questions like this and so much more in our FREE downloadable Ebook.

Board Certified Workers’ Comp Specialist Attorney Shannon Warf Wilson along with our team of attorneys have created this guide to help you navigate your workers’ compensation claim. In it you will find:

  • Crucial answers to your most burning and complicated questions about your claim.
  • Factual information on what benefits you may be entitled to.
  • Tips on how to determine how much your workers’ compensation check may be.
  • A comprehensive guide to reporting your work-related injury.
  • Ways you can find out how much you may be entitled to just based off of your lost wages.
  • Helpful tips, like how working with Lewis & Keller can help you and your family seek the compensation you deserve.

At Lewis & Keller, we are committed to being a champion for our community and protecting the rights of people just like you. We care about you and what you’re going through. Whether you’re in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, or anywhere in North Carolina, if you’ve been injured in a work-related accident, you deserve compensation, and our team is here for you and ready to help.